How To Naturally Boost Your Energy

How To Naturally Boost Your Energy

If you’re feeling depleted or feel like you need more energy to get through the day, you’re not alone. Our body’s energy comes from the food we eat, but the process also involves specific signals from the brain, gut, and more to help us feel at our best. Shifts in your diet, mood, or sleep cycles can all lower your reserves of energy. Body changes are natural, as are ebbs and flows in our energy levels. However, if you find yourself consistently low-energy, there are some simple fixes you can try. So before you reach for another cup of coffee, consider one of these natural ways to amp up your energy. 

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

One of the best natural energy boosters is a good night’s sleep, but getting it can be difficult. If you’re having trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or if you find yourself waking up tired no matter what, then poor sleep hygiene may be the cause. One of the most significant disruptions to our body’s circadian rhythms, or the patterns that allow us to wake up feeling rested, is absorbing blue light emitted by electronic screens before bedtime. 

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Blue light interrupts the body’s natural timed release of melatonin, the hormone that tells our mind to go to sleep in darkness. When we absorb blue light at night, the brain thinks we are emulating nocturnal creatures and prompts us to stay alert. Popping a melatonin supplement will only confuse the brain further – instead, try powering down devices at least two hours before bedtime. Better yet, don’t take them into the bedroom with you at all if possible. 

Power Nap

If you’re craving a midday nap, you’re in good company – Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo DaVinci were all known to take regular afternoon naps and swore it helped them be more productive. However, taking too long of rest won’t fix a broken sleep cycle and may even take a worse toll on your energy levels. The ideal nap length for most people is only 15 to 20 minutes, just enough time for the body to achieve stage 2 sleep or the slowdown of brain activity. Finally, unless you work nights, it’s recommended that you nap in the early afternoon to avoid confusing your body by sleeping too close to bedtime. 

Use Probiotics

Probiotics are linked to good gut health, keeping your metabolism running, avoiding digestive woes, and even decreasing anxiety. But did you know that probiotics are also a natural energy booster? These helpful bacteria aid in the production of B vitamins, which are essential for boosting your energy levels. They also ensure that your body absorbs all of the nutrients it can from the food you eat so that you feel fueled, not overfull. Dr. Micro’s Complete Super Foods Probiotics is an all-natural, non-GMO, antioxidant-rich powder that can be used to add powerful pre and probiotics into your routine. Regular use can restore healthy pH levels, fight free radicals, stimulate your good gut flora, and boost your energy and mood. 

Work Out Midday 

Work Out Midday

It might seem counterintuitive, but when you’re tired, an afternoon workout can be just as good as a nap. About twenty minutes of daily low to moderate-intensity exercise is an instant energy booster. Lace-up your sneakers and go for a short walk, jog, run, or ride. 

Pamper Your Introverted Side 

Make time for what gives you energy, whether it’s spending time with friends or recharging solo with a good book. Even if you’re an extrovert, don’t be afraid to take a step back and spend time just with yourself. Recent research shows that after about 3 hours of social activities, both introverts and extroverts begin to report heightened fatigue levels. Socializing takes energy, and even someone who’s happiest in a crowd can become overstimulated after a certain amount of time. 

Drink Enough Water

Water is essential to every cell in the body’s survival, and most people don’t drink enough of it. Humans need around 11.5 to 15.5 cups of fluid each day from both water and food sources. If you already drink lots of water throughout the day, try adding hydration-rich foods like melons and cucumbers into your diet to beat low energy levels. 

Try a Mood-Boosting Essential Oil

Try a Mood-Boosting Essential Oil

Mood and energy are often intrinsically linked, with chronic fatigue often connected to chronic stress. Citrus essential oils, like lemon, orange, lime, or grapefruit, are simple mood and energy boosters that can be carried with you throughout your day. Applying a few drops topically, or smelling them when you feel tired, can help you feel more energized.  

Consider an Energy Stimulant

When you’re on a weight loss program is often when you feel most low-energy, as you change the way you intake food. Dr. Micro’s Phentra Lean XR is a stimulant that contains natural energy sources like vitamin B12, green tea extract, black pepper extract, and caffeine. It boosts energy levels while supporting a robust metabolism, burning fat, and supporting a regular workout routine. 

Avoid Sugar

Avoid Sugar

While it may seem tempting to reach for a sugary soda or snack when you feel low, the crash effect is real. Research shows that eating sugar when you’re tired leads to increased fatigue just an hour afterward. The one exception may be dark chocolate, which in moderation can help you feel more awake while also keeping you relaxed. 

Take a Cold Shower

How to get energy fast? It might not be your favorite activity, but taking a cold shower will speed up your metabolism, increase your heart rate, and enhance your blood flow all at once. These bodily signals wake up the body and increase energy levels in a flash. 


Still, looking for more of a boost during the day? Dr. Micronutrition offers several unique weight loss programs that take into account nutrition, genetic and food sensitivity testing. This all-in-one plan can be a road map to finding a healthier, happier, more energetic you.

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