Post Weight Loss Tips: How to Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Post Weight Loss Tips: How to Tighten Skin After Weight Loss

Losing excess body weight is one of the healthiest lifestyle changes you can make—both your mind and body benefit. You can expect everything from an improved immune system to clearer skin and more positive social recognition. However, the downside of losing a large amount of weight is the loose skin that is often the result.

Below we’ll review some tips and advice for how to avoid having to combat loose skin—both while losing weight and after losing weight. 

Weight Loss Loose Skin Factors

Weight Loss Loose Skin Factors

According to highly regarded surgeon Dr. Ninh T. Nguyen, three factors can contribute to a higher likelihood of loose or excess skin after weight loss:

  1. Total Weight Lost: Those who are obese and need to lose 100 or more pounds are most likely to wind up searching for how to get rid of loose skin. 
  2. Age: Loose skin after weight loss for someone over 50 is a problem, as older skin is less elastic and has a more challenging time with recovery.
  3. Smoking: In general, smoking reduces skin circulation as well as collagen production. Therefore, Dr. Nguyen and others recommend eliminating the habit before embarking on a weight-loss program. 

If you have lost a lot of weight, you’ll want to know, does loose skin go away? According to Healthline, the length of time someone has been carrying their excess weight may influence how well the body recovers its original skin toning. So, embarking on a successful weight-reduction and management plan earlier is better than later to minimize loose skin weight-loss effects. 

There are other reasons to take action on weight management besides reducing the likelihood of the struggle with excess and loose skin. reports that even a weight loss of just 5-10% of your body weight can reduce the incidence of heart attack or stroke, along with mitigating obstructive sleep apnea and diabetes risk.
Jordan Jacobs, MD, a surgeon, and teacher at Mount Sinai, notes that some 70% of people who undergo bariatric procedures for massive weight reduction are left with excess skin. Therefore, to avoid worrying about how to tighten loose skin after weight loss, it’s best to prevent the sagging, loose skin through a more gradual weight-loss program rather than undergoing bariatric surgery.

Losing weight through any of Dr. Micro’s Weight Loss Programs will help you avoid becoming part of the 70% of those with loose skin resulting from bariatric surgery. It’s important to know that after bariatric surgery, a large percentage of people who undergo subsequent plastic surgery to tighten their resulting loose skin will still experience significant skin irritation, pain, ulcers, or infections.

Finding the right program that you can stick with is often a matter of understanding your unique metabolism and allergies. Dr. Micro’s programs can be supplemented with genetic testing and food allergy/sensitivity testing, which can easily be done at home to help tailor and bolster your weight loss success. 

How to Tighten Loose Skin Without Surgery

To diminish the appearance of severe excess skin after weight loss, non-surgical procedures are available. These include:

  1. Laser treatment to heat the collagen under the skin
  2. Ultherapy (recommended for neck and chest areas)
  3. Microneedling, which can be painful if not performed correctly

Additional Recommendations for How to Tighten Skin

Additional Recommendations For How To Tighten Skin

If you are looking for every avenue for how to tighten skin after weight loss, these self-care activities can also help:

  • Exercise to build and tone muscle. Strength training will help your skin look tighter as it’s supported by the muscles below.
  • Try dry brushing. Use a natural fiber brush to massage the skin by brushing towards the heart, along the lymphatic system lines, to increase circulation.
  • Massage the skin after showering with skin tightening cream. You can search online for the best skin tightening cream and find a slew of products that will claim to tighten skin. Most of these are advertised as solutions to fight the natural saggy skin that comes with the effects of lost collagen from aging. Look for formulations with caffeine, peptides, and powerful emollients to moisturize the skin. In addition, creams for pregnancy-related skin expansion and subsequent rapid weight loss can be helpful.
  • Safeguard your skin through your nutrition. In general, aim for a diet replete with antioxidants, full of fruits and vegetables, while limiting sugar, alcohol, and saturated fats. You can get sound, personalized nutrition support online with a trained professional coach to help you keep on track with the best choices.

Accelerate Your Weight Loss Results With Homeopathy

If you are committed to gradually losing weight but want to accelerate your results, you may want to consider using Dr. Micro Transform 30 Fat-Melting Supplement. Transform 30 is taken as 8-10 drops three times a day. The formula consists of essential homeopathic ingredients combined with extracts of ginseng root, green tea, and other natural carriers. It works to stimulate insulin release, which in turn enhances fat and glucose metabolism. Thus, it essentially helps your body burn fat faster. 

The Takeaway for Tightening Skin After Weight Loss

As with any worthwhile, life-changing goal, losing weight is best done through an intelligently planned course of action and enlisting proven resources to help you on the journey. 

Bariatric surgery and even spot liposuction can cause loose, saggy skin. Dr. Micro can help you lose the excess poundage with an actionable plan that’s compatible with both your lifestyle and genetic make-up. For example, if your weak spot is caving to carbs, there’s a solution to that. If you want to supplement a sometimes lackluster nutritional intake, Dr. Micro has a green superfood supplement complete with probiotics.

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